[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/b6c80abb6fd4a9ee391386979e1bbe71fb0be815.png[/img] Update 7.3 is now available on PC Live Servers and brings a variety of new changes to the Battlegrounds. Read the full patch notes [url=https://www.pubg.com/2020/06/08/update-7-3/]here.[/url] [previewyoutube=GHBRpRkb2w4;full][/previewyoutube] First up, C4 is a brand new tool in your siege arsenal. With a delayed timer and a powerful shockwave that can damage and kill enemies, even through walls and cover, C4 is the explosive you need to quickly make your enemies flee their fortified buildings and scatter into your sights. Vehicle balance has gotten a big change as well. Damaged vehicles will now have a delay before they explode, giving you a short window to bail out before the boom. In addition, damage to most vehicles is now mitigated when not hitting vital areas. Other changes include some improvements to Vikendi terrain and train lines, the return of the parachute follow feature, an increase in spike trap length, and the updated Esports tab, bringing you schedules and information for the upcoming PCS1 tournament and the return of the Pickā€™Em Challenge. Update 7.3 is live now, so drop in and check out everything new!