Update 6.3 - Patch Notes
Author: Hawkinz,
published 4 years ago,
[b]Update April 9: An additional update has been deployed:[/b]
[list][*]Greatly reduced instances of hitching during gameplay. We will continue to make further optimizations where possible
[*]Fixed an issue where players could clip through walls/ceilings of buildings by using vaulting and ledge-grab
[list][*]Most instances of this exploit have been resolved, although in some uncommon situations the exploit can still be performed. We'll keep an eye out and work on additional fixes[/list]
[*]Reverted blood effect changes implemented in Update 5.3
[*]Full details here: [url=https://www.pubg.com/april-9th-maintenance-hotfix/]https://www.pubg.com/april-9th-maintenance-hotfix/[/url]
[b]Update April 1: An additional update has been deployed to fix the following issues:[/b]
[list][*] Fixed an issue with Win94 kills being recorded as DBS in Mastery
[*] Improved backend network data logging to help improve connection quality
[*] Changes to decrease instances of game crashes
[b]Update March 25: An additional update has been deployed to fix the following issues:[/b]
[list][*] ADS view obscured with certain weapons
[*] Unable to open mission list in some cases
[*] Visual issue with "Victory Dance 14" emote
[*] Panzerfaust warhead wouldn't explode when shot mid air
[*] DBS and M249 spawned without ammunition on Karakin
[*] Unable to complete Panzerfaust missions which finishing DBNO enemies or kill backblasted enemies
[*] Unable to complete Sticky Bomb missions if the enemy was DBNO
[*] Weapon would remain in the character's hand when bandaging
[*] 'Equip C4' displayed under key bindings
Update 6.3 is live and some big updates have arrived. We're dropping the much teased Panzerfaust onto Karakin, rebalancing some weapons including one formerly only found in Care Packages, and summing it all up with some bug fixes and quality of life improvements including the much requested change to invincibility in Team Deathmatch. All this and more in Update 6.3! Read on for all the details.
Update March 13: Due to community feedback, we're changing some of our initial plans. The M249 will be available on ALL maps as uncommon ground loot, as will the DBS which has also been removed from Care Packages.[/b]
[h2]New Weapon: Panzerfaust[/h2]
We've been sneaking the Panzerfaust into our Season 6 videos since the start, but we're finally putting the boom tube into your hands! While a powerful AoE damage tool on the Battlegrounds, there are some drawbacks to picking the Panzerfaust up. First of all, it takes up a primary weapon slot, limiting your options on the diverse terrain of Karakin. The projectile travels pretty quickly, but can be dodged by the attentive player. There's also a backblast area behind the Panzerfaust, so watch out for those squadmates before you go firing it off.
[list][*]Karakin exclusive
[*]Uncommon world spawn found across the map
[*]Guaranteed to be in every airdrop
[*]The Panzerfaust warhead explodes upon impact, but can also be blown up mid air
[list][*]The damage radius is 6m from the point of impact
[*]The explosion can deal splash damage through thin walls and objects, up to a short distance
[*]Can be used to breach specific walls on Karakin, much like the Sticky Bomb
[*]The warhead will explode mid air, before impact if damaged by explosions or shot by a bullet[/list]
[*]One time use
[list][*]Once the warhead is fired, the Panzerfaust tube will be discarded and cannot be picked back up[/list]
[*]Firing the warhead produces a backblast, so be careful!
[list][*]The backblast damages those within a 3m zone behind the weapon
Be careful you don't have any teammates, or a wall too close behind you. You've been warned[/list]
[*]Zeroing options at 60, 100 (default) and 150 meters[/list]
[h2]Weapon Balance Changes[/h2]
As we near the end of the season, we're also doing a little balance shuffle on a few weapons. The Tommy Gun has been weak for a while, so we're adding a sight slot for red dots and holos and upping damage, the M249 is moving from Care Packages to normal loot but is also losing a little damage and getting a bit more recoil, and the UMP-45 was nerfed a little too hard with the switch from 9mm, so we're giving it some love across the board. Take a look below for all the changes.
[b]Update March 13: Due to community feedback, we're changing some of our initial plans. The M249 will be available on ALL maps as uncommon ground loot, as will the DBS which has also been removed from Care Packages.[/b]
[b]Tommy Gun[/b]
Stronger and more versatile. You can now also attach Red Dots and Holos to your Tommy.
[list][*]Added upper rail to attach Red Dot and Holo Sights
[*]Increased rate of fire from 700 to 750
[*]Increased firing accuracy
[list][*]We've reduced the bullet deviation penalty when firing for an extended duration[/list]
[*]Increased moving accuracy
[*]Decreased recoil when firing for an extended duration
[list][*]This is due to the increased rate of fire[/list][/list]
Removed from Care Packages and added to normal loot on ALL maps. Can now take more attachments but is tougher to control and does less damage.
[list][*]Added Stock attachment slot
[list][*]A Tactical Stock can be equipped to improve weapon stability[/list]
[*]Added Magazine attachment slot
[list][*]Reduced standard ammo capacity to 75
[*]Now holds 150 with an extended mag[/list]
[*]Decreased base bullet damage from 45 to 40
[*]Increased recoil
[*]Found on ALL maps
[*]Semi-rare spawn[/list]
An increase in power across the board, making the UMP a more viable choice for your arsenal.
[list][*]Increased base bullet damage from 39 to 41
[*]Increased rate of fire from 650 to 670
[*]Increased muzzle velocity from 300 to 360
[list][*]This means an increase to the speed at which bullets leave the barrel, making it a bit easier to track moving targets[/list][/list]
Alongside these balance changes, the M249 and Tommy Gun models and firing sounds have been updated.
[*]Removed from Care Packages
[*]Now found on ALL maps as rare ground loot[/list]
[h2]Quality of Life Improvements[/h2]
[list][*]Improved visibility of nearby items on the ground by enhancing the glowing effect and adding a new pulse effect
[list][*]The new pulse effect can be disabled and is listed as "Item Flashing Effect" under Gameplay settings[/list]
[*]Added an electric static sound to the Blue Zone wall providing players with an audible queue when the Blue Zone is near
[*] Players can now use 'Push to Talk' in the main menu lobby
[*][Team Deathmatch] Added Rich Presence to let your Discord and Steam friends know when you're fragging in TDM
[*][Team Deathmatch] Invincibility will now be removed instantly when engaging in combat (firing a weapon, throwing grenade etc.)
[*][Team Deathmatch] Hotkey for player reports is disabled for 1 second after death to prevent accidental activation[/list]
[list][*]Optimization improvements have been applied to reduce instances of FPS stuttering (hitching) on certain hardware configurations
[list][*]We'll monitor the effectiveness of this change and continue to work on additional performance optimization[/list][/list]
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[b]Fixed the following issues:[/b]
[list][*] Location of teammate's character not synchronized with observer's display in certain situations
[*] Map texture displayed in poor quality
[*] 'Round 3' message constantly displayed and round not starting in Team Deathmatch
[*] Name of Victory dance 12 emote not displayed properly
[*] Visual misalignment on the Blue Zone UI
[*] Visual issue with the background of the vehicle durability UI
[*] PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Trench Coat clipping through the character
[*] All glasses & mask items not being displayed when equipping Golden Dragon Traditional Cap
[*] Titles of all Keys not being displayed correctly in store and inventory
[*] Unable to accomplish the mission 'Reach top 10 after earning a kill with QBZ/AKM' in certain situations
[*] Wrong 4x reticle displayed when using the DP-28
[*] Abnormal Blue Zone sound played in spectator mode
[*] Reload interaction sounds heard differently in FPP and TPP views
[*] Invite friends option unable to turned on in custom matches
[*] Freelook could be used to gain an advantageous view after dying
[*] Sticky Bomb blinking red prior to being thrown
[*] Fixed an awkward crossbow animations in certain situations
[h2]Miscellaneous Changes[/h2]
[list][*]Sticky Bombs can now be found in Training Mode
[*]Added additional ringtone for the Sticky Bomb
[*]DBS spawns can be adjusted in custom matches[/list]
[h2]Survivor Pass: Shakedown[/h2]
[list][*]The 3rd track of Survivor Pass missions has been unlocked! The new missions follow an explosive theme
[*]The current season of both the Survivor Pass and Survival Title System will end on April 14 PDT
[list][*]Starting April 1st (KST) / March 31st (PDT), there will be a countdown on the Survivor Pass lobby banner notifying players of the pass end date
[*]A pop-up message will be displayed to users purchasing Premium Pass, alerting them of the time left until pass end[/list]
[*]Premium Pass and Level-up items can be purchased until the Pass period ends[/list]
[h2]Skin & Items[/h2]
[list][*]4 new Badlands skin sets have been added, available until 4/15[/list]
[h2]Custom Match[/h2]
[list][*] Karakin is now available in Custom Matches
[*] Updated Esports Mode preset
[list][*] The previous 2019 preset has been replaced by the 2020 Global Esports Ruleset
[*] Blue Zone settings are identical to 2019. However, item spawn rates have been changed in accordance to each map's ruleset.
[*] This preset uses the S.U.P.E.R ruleset (Official Esports Ruleset)[/list]
[*] Inner Blue Zone option has been added
[list][*] This allows you to create new custom game experiences similar to the Bluehole mode we recently tested in LABS[/list]
[*] Organized custom match presets and added some new ones.
[list][*] 'The First Weapon for Your Chicken Dinner' preset has been added
[*] Drop in with a random weapon set and fight your way to victory, no weapons spawn in the world, although you can pick up the weapons from player death boxes[/list]
[*] [PUBG Partners] Motor Glider and Sticky Bomb have been added to Sandbox mode
[*] Known Issue: Snowmobiles and Snowbikes don't spawn on Vikendi
[list][*] This issue will be resolved in next patch[/list][/list]
Note: Replays from previous updates are no-longer playable, as the replay system has been updated.