[h1]Update 6.3 is now available on live servers! [/h1] [previewyoutube=Q4sr0-tItnY;full][/previewyoutube] Pick up the all new Panzerfaust and bring an explosive new party to Karakin or grab one of the newly rebalanced guns to try out. The UMP45, Tommy Gun, and M249 have all received some changes. The M249 and DBS have been taken out of Care Packages and can now be found among normal loot on all Battlegrounds. There are also several quality of life improvements, including much requested changes to remove invincibility in Team Deathmatch once you fire a weapon. We've also taken a step to mitigate the hitching issues some players were experiencing. There's plenty more to go over, so check out the [url=https://www.pubg.com/2020/03/11/update-6-3/]full patch notes here[/url] for more details. [h3]Update 6.3 is here, so grab your squad and drop in today![/h3]