[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27971017/5a60a6f08c6d5fc217e964d5b93911412d15d167.jpg[/img] Starting August 17th, Twitch Prime members can get their hands on the Jungle Crate — the third set of exclusive PUBG crates available only with Twitch Prime. Take down your enemies whilst fashionably blending in to the wild savagery of the jungle — even battle royale survivors have to look good! The Jungle Crate contains 8 items, including two weapon skins: Croc Bite for the M16A4 and Bengal Blade for the SCAR-L. The full list of items in the Jungle Crate: [list][*]Explorer Hat [*]Tiger Print Bandana [*]Explorer Coat [*]Leopard Print Vest [*]Explorer Knickers [*]Leather Boots [*]Croc Bite Weapon Skin [*]Bengal Blade Weapon Skin[/list] Get out there and sashay down the wild jungle runway starting August 17th! [url=https://twitch.amazon.com/prime/loot/pubg]Click here to get started.[/url]