Hello PUBG Esports fans! We are excited to provide you with an update on the current standings for PGS and PGC points across all PUBG Esports regions. As we reach the mid-season mark, let's take a closer look at where the teams stand. [h2]PGS Point Standings [/h2][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/670e414f5f2177dbb2dbeca39f2eebf3f38634da.png[/img] 17Gaming, Acend, Tianba and Danawa e-sports leads the pack! With PGS 2 approaching, there will be slightly more points up for grabs, so we expect teams to give their all for a chance to secure their tickets to PGC 2023. Only the top 4 teams with the highest PGS points will earn their spots in the tournament. [h2]PGC Points Standings by Region [/h2]The competition is intense, with fierce battles taking place in the Regional Series. Read on to find the current PGC point standings for each region and allocated PGC slots. [h3]AMERICAS - 4 Slots [/h3][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/4cc4dc15b57e9633b21af608beaec27e89f84bb1.png[/img] [b]AMERICAS[/b] will be seeded with a total of 4 slots for the PGC 2023. - The winner of the PAS2 receives a direct invitation to PGC 2023. - Top 3 teams in the AMERICAS PGC Qualification Points leaderboard, excluding the teams who have already qualified, will advance to PGC 2023. [h3]ASIA PACIFIC - 7 Slots [/h3][b]APAC [/b]will be seeded with a total of 7 slots of the PGC 2023 across 5 leagues. [b]PUBG Thailand Series - 2 slots [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/41a24e4b23581a8d36200d67a8c26dc06ec4da08.png[/img] Top 2 teams in PTS earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [b]PUBG Vietnam Series - 2 slots [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/d41cbd365e4c5b8834d55396b319f80f15b054ae.png[/img] - Top 2 teams in PVS earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [b]PUBG Challenger Rumble (APAC & OCE) - 1 slot [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/7751d102e8969e1c1dd4e2215952de7dc8fb9068.png[/img] - Only the top 1 team in PCR earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [b]PUBG Master League - 1 slot [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/1a8afd75c6167de4ef72a0347b4fd480cfb9a078.png[/img] - Only the top 1 team in PML earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [b]PUBG Japan Championship - 1 slot [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/acac7466f2448e7d07c5c5d7cd3c3bf96dcf334b.png[/img] - Top 1 team in PJC earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [h3]ASIA - 10 Slots [/h3][b]ASIA [/b]will be seeded with a total of 10 slots of the PGC 2023 across 2 leagues. [b]PUBG Champions League - 6 Slots [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/cd50f189e0630aa06844d6df0b6350305fb5f3c5.png[/img] - Top 6 Teams in PCL earns PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [b]PUBG Weekly Series - 4 Slots [/b][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/1e6dda5a8d73c375da0a3221fe30cf4f11ae6235.png[/img] - Top 4 teams in PWS(Korea) earn PGC slot, excluding the teams who have already qualified. [h3]EMEA - 6 slots [/h3][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/8888002b4b14ede3472424017faae5a5524dcbd5.png[/img] [b]Europe and Middle East & Africa[/b] will be seeded with a total of 6 slots for the PGC 2023. - The winner of the PEC Fall receives a direct invitation to PGC 2023. - Top 5 teams in the EMEA PGC Qualification Points leaderboard, excluding the teams who have already qualified, will advance to PGC 2023. ㅤ- At least 1 team from each sub region, Europe and Middle East & Africa, will be guaranteed a slot.