[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27971017/2737e713e2d16d327d25c264c8c49150fd8a5128.png[/img] Hi friends, Now that PGI 2018 has concluded, a major patch is coming to test servers within the next 12 hours. The patch will include several fixes and quality-of-life improvements that you’ve been asking for. Full patch notes will be made available when the patch is pushed to test servers. In the meantime, here’s a little preview of some of the changes: [list] [*]Limb penetration will be implemented [*]Graphics “sharpening” will be added as separate toggle in the settings. [*]You’ll be able to mute individual teammates while in-game. [*]Quality-of-life improvements are coming to colorblind mode. [*]Quality-of-life improvements are also coming to loot stack splitting (more control). [*]Vehicle sounds will be reduced when driving in first-person perspective. [*]You’ll be able to adjust your FPS cap (including by setting it to “uncapped”). [*]You’ll also be able to set your in-game FPS cap and lobby FPS cap separately. [/list] Once this patch hits live servers next week, we’ll have a lot more to announce about our plans to continue rolling out bug fixes, quality-of-life changes, and systemic improvements to PUBG. Love, The PUBG Team