PUBG's latest limited-time Event Mode enters its 4x4km Sanhok map. Named 'Sanhok Forty-Fivers', it's a four-person squad (80 players max) free-for-all whereby the only spawnable guns are compatible with blue-boxed .45 ammunition. 

Which means you're restricted to Tommy Guns, Win94s, R45s, P1911s, and, to mix things up a little, throwables. Care packages contain Vectors, 0.45 ACP rounds and Lvl 3 gear; and the safe zone starts small, and is visible from the outset. Weather is set to Overcast, red zones are disabled, and teamkilling is a no-no.

Sanhok Forty-Fivers kicks off today at 7pm PST / tomorrow at 3am BST, and ends at the same time on August 5 and 6 respectively. As is now standard, North American, European and Asian servers can choose third or first-person perspective servers, while everywhere else is tied to the former option.

As noted in the patch notes update linked above, PUBG Corp has fixed issues with its newly-introduced bullet penetration system. Likewise, "it’s now much easier to enter the driver’s seat (and not accidentally get on the passenger seat)" of motorbikes. Read PC 1.0 Update #19's update notes in full here

*It pains me that this not-very-good strapline joke references a song now 21 (21!) years old. Bury my old bones on the battlefield.