[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/174c50bdf1b4cde60d90c33545af7a6e5c6c6674.jpg[/img] As safety measures surrounding COVID-19 continue to keep people in their homes, the #PlayApartTogether message remains just as important. To further support this industry wide initiative, we're running a PUBG Free Play Weekend on Steam! [b]From June 4th 17:00 UTC until June 8th 17:00 UTC, you and your friends can try out PUBG at no cost. [/b] Even better, the game will be [b]available for purchase at a discount of 50% off[/b] so you can continue your Battlegrounds journey and work towards the all-new ranked mode! We know these times are difficult, but keeping yourself and others safe during this pandemic is important. [h3]We hope you enjoy your free time in PUBG and we'll see you on the Battlegrounds![/h3] [list][*] [i]50% Discount will only be available during the Free Play Weekend event [*] In-game purchasing will not be available until after purchasing the full game[/i][/list]