[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/4e1f9a909644cc8b20f769bc72071c89670b6b16.png[/img] PUBG Anniversaries mean a lot to us. They’re a time to look back and be thankful for the success none of us expected and to thank all of you for the gift of that success. The fact that we have some of the best and most enthusiastic fans in the industry isn’t lost on us, so we try to make sure anniversaries are filled with fun ways to celebrate the reason we’re all here in the first place- YOU! [url=https://accounts.pubg.com/anniversary?_ga=2.132863116.385920569.1616035736-49228616.1603090336]4th Anniversary Event Page[/url] [previewyoutube=sSDh0LYgi0E;full][/previewyoutube] In addition to the events and contests going on, we wanted to spend some time putting together a short video about PUBG’s journey so far. It’s just another way for us to remember where we came from while looking at how far we’ve come along the way. We hope you enjoy “PUBG: The Journey So Far” and Happy 4th Anniversary! - PUBG