Hello Players! Thank you for your enthusiasm during this first-ever community skin event for PUBG. During the voting period, players around the world cast over 470,000 votes for their favorite designs and now we're thrilled to be able to share the winners of the PUBG 3rd Anniversary Skin Design contest. Your winners are... [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/ba97f705c39e878cda1889ef07944a39cb6f029c.png[/img] Congratulations to @DY_BUDDY from China, @Karaagekun_kei from Japan, and @Seb34627111 from EU! These three winners came out on top of their respective categories to be named the winners of the contest. Let's have a look how many votes they got! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/a69ae4adc9a5c70d8ac024d73061c9a1891ff417.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/e497fe6e2f0a2cdaa9ead34f33fdd5317bfac7f4.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/19bc09b4f1fdc05fba216644f054f5aa2a91b437.jpg[/img] These designs will be created in-game and given to all players for free during the PUBG 3rd Anniversary. In addition to their designs being in-game, we're sending some special PUBG goods to all finalists, including special award trophies for our three selected winners. Regional community managers will contact the finalists soon through their social media accounts. [b]Gifts for Voters[/b] As an added bonus for helping us decide the winners, we'll be awarding 100 random voters (who shared their vote on social media) some awesome PUBG merchandise as well. We will select and contact the winners soon, so keep a look out for a final list of winners coming soon. [list] [*] Voting event winner announcement: Feb 1, 2020 at 5pm KST [list][*] Your regional community managers will contact you through your social media account. Please note, you may be excluded from the list if you do not respond within seven days.[/list][/list] [list][*] Skin Release Date: Mar 23, 2020 KST[list][*] Further details will be announced at a later date.[/list][/list] Thank you again for submitting your creative work, and for voting in the PUBG 3rd Anniversary Skin Design Contest. We look forward to finding new and exciting ways for the PUBG community to show off their talents. - PUBG Community Team