[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/4323b9bc0c032fbc31e1d240e34d5d16758e56d1.jpg[/img] Hi players, PCS 1 has wrapped up, but we're giving you more time to grab some of those awesome PCS 1 themed weapon skins and support teams who participated in the event. [b]The sale of PCS 1 weapon skins has been extended until July 22nd 2020 for both PC and Console. [/b] [i]Please bear in mind, that as the Pick'em event has ended, Pick'em coupons won't be provided with your purchase.[/i] 25% of the profit will be shared with the teams, of which 12.5% will be shared directly with participating teams and the other 12.5% added to the prize pool. Stay up to date on everything PUBG Esports at [url=pubgesports.com]pubgesports.com[/url].