Hi everyone, We’ve received lots of feedback regarding long matchmaking times from players in multiple regions, as well as players being placed in only one or two maps repeatedly when using Quick Join. We are well aware of these concerns and take them very seriously. Our development team have been closely reviewing the current matchmaking system and conducting analysis to identify areas where improvements can be made. We have released an update to live servers with improvements to matchmaking based on our matchmaking analysis and player feedback. [h1][b]Here are the newly implemented changes:[/b][/h1] [h1]General Matchmaking:[/h1] [list] [*] Improved matchmaking times when selecting individual maps. [*] Reduced instances of infinite matchmaking times on some maps.[/list] [h1]Quick Join:[/h1] [list][*]Improved functionality to better distribute players across all maps when using Quick Join. [list][*]Players will now be distributed into multiple different maps more consistently.[/list][/list] [i]Previously, when selecting Quick Join, matchmaking would heavily favor matching players into the most commonly selected maps.[/i] Please be aware that due to the above changes to improve map variety, Quick Join matchmaking times may increase slightly. As matchmaking systems are highly complex, unexpected issues may arise, but we will continue to work hard and make improvements to ensure the matchmaking experience is as smooth as possible. [h1]This is only one step in our efforts to improve matchmaking and not a final solution, your feedback is crucial as we work to continually improve the PUBG experience for our players.[/h1] Thank you. –The PUBG Team