[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/beb75c6fe88fa3af08c0982034e9ae0e2d9674f9.png[/img] Hello Survivors! It's that time of the year, the best time to play PUBG! Squad up with your buddies and fight for your chicken dinner during the PUBG Free Play Week. Get prepared and don't miss out on the chance to play unlimited PUBG for a whole week! All rewards, including Pass and Mission rewards along with XP and BP, can be acquired. Also, all missions and stats will be recorded so that you can keep track of your achievements. Last, but not least, we have prepared special events to welcome all new Survivors on the Battlegrounds, so read carefully to claim all your rewards! [h1][b]Events[/b][/h1][h2][b]Special Drops Event for New Survivors[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/3aecf493ef9ab3fe2e59c4d079f24ebbe454a89c.jpg[/img] Drop-in and clear the missions to claim your rewards! [table] [tr] [th] Title [/th] [th] Mission Description [/th] [th] Reward [/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Parachute[/td] [td] Travel 600m in total by parachute. [/td] [td] Sleeveless Cheetah Top  [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Ledge grab[/td] [td] Ledge grab over obstacles 2 times. [/td] [td] Utility Belt (Brown) [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Use 2 emotes[/td] [td] Use emotes 2 times to express an emotion in a single match. [/td] [td] Rugged (Beige) - M16A4  [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Survive[/td] [td] Survive for 200 min in total. This includes the time for spectating your teammate in duo/squad mode. [/td] [td] Wrangler Shirt [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Loot items[/td] [td] Loot 300 items in total. [/td] [td] Wide Pants (Red)  [/td] [/tr] [/table][h2][b]Create a Global Account Event[/b][/h2] Create your own Global Account from accounts.pubg.com and link with your Steam account. Everyone who creates a new account and links their Steam account during the Free Play Week will be rewarded with the following special item! [list] [*]Global Account Special Reward[list] [*]Traditional Glasses (Round)[/*] [/list] [/*][*]Rewards are distributed every day at PDT: 11 AM / CEST: 8 PM / KST: 3 AM[/list][h1][b]Free Play Schedule[/b][/h1] The Free Play Week will only be around for a week, so be prepared and don't miss out! [list] [*] PDT: August 9, 2 PM - August 16, 2 PM  [/*] [*] CEST: August 9, 11 PM - August 16, 11 PM [/*] [*] KST: August 10, 6 AM - August 17, 6 AM [/*][/list][h1][b]Frequently Asked Questions[/b][/h1] Q. On which platforms will the Free Play Week be available? A. The event will only be available on Steam. Q. How do I play PUBG after the Free Play Weekends? A. PUBG can be purchased from the Steam Store([url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PUBG_BATTLEGROUNDS/]https://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PUBG_BATTLEGROUNDS/[/url]). Q. What about the stats and gameplay records from the Free Play Week? Will they disappear? A. All rewards, including Pass and Mission rewards along with XP and BP can be acquired. Also, all missions and stats will be recorded so that you can keep track of your achievements. All records will be carried over if played on the same account after purchase of the game title. Q. Will I have access to the in-game store? A. The in-game store will be available once you purchase the game.