[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27971017/377b74f0bd08b66ce2af5a65139cc2e6f3a77239.png[/img] Get ready to stack a whole lot of blue ammo boxes. This week’s event limits weapon spawns to Tommy Guns, Win94s, R45s, P1911s and throwables. Full details below: [b]EVENT SCHEDULE[/b] STARTS: Aug 2, 7pm PST / Aug 3, 4am CEST / Aug 3 11am KST ENDS: Aug 5, 7pm PST / Aug 6, 4am CEST / Aug 6 11am KST [b]AVAILABLE QUEUES[/b] 4-man squads on Sanhok NA/EU/AS: TPP & FPP KR/JP/SEA/OC/SA: TPP [b]MAIN EVENT RULES[/b] [list] [*]80 Players fight in Sanhok. The safe zone starts out small and is visible from the beginning. [*]The only weapons that spawn are Tommy Guns, Win94s, R45s, P1911s and throwables. [*]Care packages contain Vectors, 0.45 ACP rounds, Lvl 3 gear, and other useful items.[/list] [b]ADDITIONAL RULES[/b] [list] [*]The mode is limited to four-man squads. Auto-matching can be turned on or off (you don’t have to play as a full squad of four if you don’t want to) [*]The mode is limited to 80 maximum players (20 teams of four players) [*]Red zones are disabled [*]Killer spectating is enabled [*]Weather is set to “Overcast” [*]Teamkilling is disabled[/list]