[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/2dc63070e40caa323dbb1b329fc6b0cec645665b.png[/img] Season 10 is quickly coming to a close, so it's time once again to talk about the great rewards you'll be getting for your hard work these past few months. Not quite where you want to be? There's still time! Drop in and see how far you can climb before the season officially ends on March 31st. [b]Requirements for Earning Rewards[/b] You earn PUBG's various Ranked rewards based on your final rank when the season ends. To be eligible, you’ll need to have at least completed your placement matches during the season, with additional awards being granted at Gold V and Diamond V tiers. [b]Season 10 Ranked Mode Rewards[/b] Reaching Gold V tier or higher makes you eligible for the first exclusive reward, the Season 10 Ranked Mirado skin! Those who manage to fight their way up to Diamond V tier or higher will also be rewarded with the Season 10 Ranked Parachute skin. Finally, players who go above and beyond and reach the top 500 in their region will also receive a special Top 500 emblem to show off their achievement. You can check out your final Season 10 rank by visiting the STATS screen in your CAREER tab once the next season has begun. Visiting the LEADERBOARD section of this screen also shows if you were among the top 500. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/d11675b2df33d0d462b4db0351a9d092f37b397e.png[/img] [list] [*][b]Season 10 Emblems[/b] [list] [*]You’ll earn an emblem that matches your end of season rank. The Top 500 players in each region will also earn a special TOP 500 emblem to commemorate their outstanding achievement.[/*] [*]Your honorable emblems will be now shown on your PUBG ID which will be now displayed to your enemies when you successfully take them out. Also, emblems will be visible with your PUBG ID in death cams and spectator screen.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/4cb88d1543b4b4a273746124db062d167b241600.png[/img] [list] [*][b]Season 10 Skins[/b] [list] [*]Players who end the season in at least Gold V Tier in any ranked game mode will earn an exclusive Vehicle Skin for the Mirado.[/*] [*]Players who end the season in at least Diamond V Tier in any ranked game mode will receive both the Vehicle Skin and an exclusive Parachute Skin.[/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [b]Upcoming Ranked Schedules: Season 11[/b] [list] [*]Season 10 Ranked mode will end once servers go into maintenance on March 31st KST (PC) / April 8th KST (Console)[/*] [*]Season 11 Ranked mode will begin when servers go live with the live server update.[/*][/list] One more note on schedules, starting with Season 11, there will be a change to the overall Ranked Season timetable. We'll have more information on that in the upcoming 11.1 Patch Notes. [b]How will my Rewards be Delivered?[/b] All rewards are granted automatically at the beginning of each new season. You may collect them from the pop-up screen you’ll see upon your first log-in of the new season. - The PUBG Dev Team