[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/1f2d95c98bc99eb988243d0d6b4ecb4ab6a83201.jpg[/img] Dear PUBG Fans, Back in February, we asked for your help in trying something new. At the time, Australia was just starting to recover from devastating brushfires across their country and in an effort to help them through that difficult time, we set up a fundraiser through the sale of the Australia Fire Relief - Pan skin on both PC and Console. While the world has changed a lot since then, we wanted to share the results of your generous efforts and give an update on where we’re sending that money. First of all, we’re extremely humbled to announce that you as a community have raised a collective $588,115.52 by purchasing the pan skin. This number is after platform fees have been taken into account and the amount that was sent to the WIRES organization via Globalgiving on May 19th (PDT).  For those curious, WIRES (Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service) is Australia’s largest wildlife rescue organization and has been caring for the wildlife of Australia for over 30 years. With the worldwide impact of COVID-19, their essential work has become even more difficult, especially in the wake of both a massive countrywide drought and the fires that killed over 1 billion animals. Now more than ever we feel this is a worthy cause for the money you’re donated and we hope you do as well. It is truly inspiring to see the good that we can do together and we’re honored to be in a position where the sale of a small digital item and the generosity of our community can have such a big impact on the world. We’ll be looking at additional causes we can support in the future, but for now you have our deepest and most humbled thanks for helping with this campaign. For more information on WIRES, you can visit [url=https://www.wires.org.au/]https://www.wires.org.au/[/url]. Be sure to also drop by and send a thank you note (or just a follow) to community artist [url=https://twitter.com/SWatercolour]@swatercolour[/url] for donating the art used on the pan skin. Thank you once again, --The PUBG Team