[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//27971017/95e9d7e3b09a1978f26f39f405b2463ec138bcdf.jpg[/img] As many of you know, Australia has been devastated by bushfires that began all the way back in September. While the New South Wales Fire Agency has now declared the fires contained, the impact they have had on the people and wildlife of Australia has been immense. An estimated 33 people and 1 billion animals were killed by the fires, with many more affected. While we’re happy to see the fires contained, there’s an incredible amount of damage left in their wake. To help Australia through this difficult time, PUBG Corporation is raising funds through the limited time sale of the Australia Fire Relief - Pan skin. The skin, which features original art by community artist [url=https://twitter.com/swatercolour]@swatercolour[/url], will be sold for $2.99 with 100% of the profits from each sale going to help Australia. The Australia Fire Relief - Pan will be available on PC and Console. [list][*]PC: 19th February - 18th March - $2.99 [*]Console: TBA [list][*]The sale of this item on console has been postponed, as Update 6.2 has been delayed. The new sales schedule will be announced in the near future via a separate announcement.[/list][/list] After the sale ends, we will send all funds raised via a lump sum donation to a chosen charity. For those who purchase the pan, we thank you for your contribution to this effort. If the pan is not for you, we encourage you to research the disaster relief efforts and donate directly to a charity of your choosing. It will take some time for Australia and its environment to recover from a disaster of this scale, but we are thankful to be in a position where we can help in some way and are grateful to have fans like you willing to contribute to such a worthy cause. Thank you, - The PUBG Team