The following 8 changes have been implemented: 1) The connection editor now works with a catch range, making it easier to hit input ports with the cursor. The catch range area is highlighted in green or red, depending on whether the connection is possible. 2) The new image processing node [i]Inverter[/i] inverts the colors of an input image. 3) The new image processing nodes [i]Crop (Pixels)[/i] and [i]Crop (Relative)[/i] provide more convenient ways to crop an input image. 4) The new image processing node [i]Select Color[/i] selects the areas of an input image that have a specific color. 5) Hitting the spacebar now executes the graph, making it easier to adjust values without having to move the mouse cursor to the execute-button. 6) Bugfix: Default values for color-value open inputs are now correctly initialized in the color-editor window. 7) Bugfix: Single-channel images are now always visualized in black-and-white, as specified in the last update version 1.1.0 8) Bugfix: The 3D Function viewer now displays the correct message text. [img][/img] The image shows the catch-range feature in the graph editor