Hey Officers, The long-awaited Friday has finally arrived. Sometimes it feels like a week can take forever. Today we come to you with brand new information - a Steam workshop is coming to Prison Simulator! Today we get to show you a little bit more so you can see how we are working on the mega cool features that will allow you to trade prisoners! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/d3f1832665b96d074e64957746d7504c402f404a.jpg[/img] When creating prisoners in the creator, you will have the option to download prisoners created by other players from the workshop. Interesting personalities, names, surnames or voices in any combination you like. The Workshop will also offer to upload your prisoners so that others can download, rate and comment on your sets. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/fc2b20f215e46ccca8013d9f9121f5588c4f595b.jpg[/img] In addition, we are preparing another very cool feature which should be ready soon, but we will provide more details later. Have a nice weekend Guys!