[b]Hello Officers,[/b] Do you think it is the end of your shift? Because what? Friday? Well.. yes, it is the end of the shift for today. This is the best time to relax, and stop thinking about prisoners. But actually we have something to tell you before you go home. There are some routines, that are not available in the Prison Simulator: Prologue. One of those routines is Shower time! [b]Sometimes our inmates like to stink.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/f5a2f2c5f3c1e555556b1b7fe76774767d7aaef2.png[/img] Well. Not everyone likes to shower. Anyway, your job is to send as many prisoners to the showers as you can. Keep in mind, however, that these inmates may have a lack of patience, and that may result in fights and unnecessary arguments. Give them towels and wait. Then take dirty towels from them and repeat. Be aware of fights and try to keep calm. You can do it! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/3ea406f0a7ad0f67e0c79c115f0de5cead0d7bfa.png[/img] *This update contains screenshots that were taken in engine and do not represent the current look of the game. [h3]Have a nice weekend Guys![/h3] By the way... May the soap be with you!