[h2]Hey players,[/h2] A few days ago, our testers received keys for Prison Simulator: Prologue. We prepared a fully playable compilation for them as a base for community testing. Players were given the possibility to report bugs via a specially prepared form. This facilitated the flow of information between the developers and our community. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/12b4291fcc24c486f7cd289c551c19be755696a1.png[/img] Your opinion is extremely important to us. It allows us to make corrections and changes in places that require it, it makes us feel balanced and we can control our game in a way that is consulted with the players. Testing is always a hopeful, stressful, and impatient moment, but we've waited patiently to get feedback on our game from the most important community for us - our players. It was very nice to read positive messages, which made us feel that our product was accepted. We were also very curious to read the constructive criticism and learn as much as we could from it. Community testing is a really great opportunity to create a bridge between the team and the players. We're glad that you're so eager to participate in testing Prison Simulator: Prologue. It means a lot to us! [url=https://prisonsim.news/betaprol][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/a92fbdf3d60d91a241417060fb65d150ff92a3df.png[/img][/url]