[b]Hello Guards,[/b] Work on the Prison Simulator: Prologue is still in progress. Our team is focusing on fixing bugs reported by players from the closed beta program. This feedback is a great opportunity for us to meet the expectations of our community. We have focused on a number of fixes and improvements. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/48c6a3f97ed0ceaa49c398ffc6356fc7da0001d0.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/cb6b5e6678b2eb38a2bb27edf5cf31b9b97bcbe0.jpg[/img] We know that maybe you would like to see more in those updates, but we really don't want to spoil. Trust us, the best way is to see everything yourself, explore the prison and meet our prisoners and guards. Don't worry, we are preparing something special on Friday! Stay tuned!