[h2]Hello players,[/h2] [h3]Today is Monday, and that means it's time for a fresh new update![/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/30b5764628afc01b6084669b19e903252177b28c.png[/img] Prison Simulator: Prologue is fast approaching. Our team is fully focused on fixes and on polishing the latest features. We hope that our product will soon be released on the Steam platform and keep our players entertained. [b]List of changes:[/b] - items in the infirmary have stopped levitating. Ghosts have gone away. - Wall textures are displayed correctly. You will never again see a pink spot in the middle of the prison. - Music no longer overlaps when loading the game - Dark places got extra light - We've completed all missing materials - Weapon cleaning and lockpicking received minor improvements