[b]Hello Officers,[/b] As you may know, our inmates very often complain about the lack of proper equipment in the prison cells. Sometimes, unfortunately, we have the impression that the men have mistaken the prison for a hotel in the Maldives, but this topic is not very comfortable. Unfortunately, inmate satisfaction has a huge impact on our facility's overall ranking. So we cannot allow them to live (as prisoners should) in humble, grey, dirty cells. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/66b18cc25a7edf357bb16813f858a29c4ef73f3f.jpg[/img] In the computer you will find access to an online store that offers all kinds of equipment for our cells. You can find everything you need there, from beds and bedding to lockers and chairs. If we can afford it, you can even buy those bastards gold bars. Just to keep the prison running. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/db7a4111a7c5503c687bdf7401aeb4fbfd079103.jpg[/img] [b]Another thing, probably one of the most important.[/b] The more furniture they have in their cells, the more places we have to search. I promise you right now, even a chair will be covered with contraband as much as possible! The cabinets above the sink are a cluster of illegal items. Be careful. New objects mean new challenges. Of course, don't forget that the delinquent himself may also have something in his pants. Who knows what other ideas they will come up with and where they will decide to hide their possessions. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/2f2d38e7188935043d1cf115b70e387c2953a18a.jpg[/img] Well! End of roll call. Just remember, I'm keeping an eye on you. [i]*The screenshots are not real part of the gameplay[/i]