[b]Hello, officers,[/b] How's your week going? Are the inmates causing any problems? We hope our training in pacifying these bastards has helped you a lot. Unfortunately, we have some bad news. We recently had a strange case of six deaths in one week. The guards in Block C are complaining that they can't do anything with it, and the morgue staff are already refusing to take any more dead bodies. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33433455/4f9f051bde41172789b3a63f707e3749f277a50d.png[/img] If you would be so kind as to help them out a little? We don't want our prison to make the headlines as a place to dispose of the margins of society. If any of you haven't been to the morgue yet, unfortunately you'll have to wait a bit longer. Access is granted to guards of the full version. [b]Bug fixes[/b] We recently received a report of an elastic man walking around our prison - well, not everyone should go out in the sun. We dealt with the problem and no one scares anyone anymore. The toothpaste has lost its magical properties and its model no longer goes through the parcels. Our warden was listening to the radio so loudly that it could be heard across the hall. Fortunately, a gentle reminder worked and now you can enjoy the peace and quiet. And perhaps most importantly, occasionally an inmate would disappear during the evening attendance check, but fortunately our new security measures have had the desired effect and everything is now ok. That's everything for today. We hope the end of this week will be pleasant and easy for you. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431610/Prison_Simulator_Prologue/