[b]Hello Officers,[/b] Did you know that the weekend starts today? Or, do you know what that means? It means that our inmates will spend it exactly the same way they always do. Well, life in prison is not the most pleasant. So let's take a look at our convicts and see what they are doing today. Well, it looks like it's just before lunchtime today. Prisoners often work in the kitchen, helping to prepare meals - of course, we do everything we can to choose the best-behaved candidates for this challenging job. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/f3d4d4e43b53c93bb40fc3cad8411d1837cc6847.jpg[/img] Sometimes, unfortunately, it happens that the meal will cause severe indigestion and then you have to go to the kitchen and ask around a bit. You may find that someone has taken part in it. [b]Some side quests may be related to this place. It's worth doing thorough research. [/b] Kitchen will be available in full version of Prison Simulator. [i]*Screenshots don't have to present the real look of our game. They were taken in-engine.[/i]