[b]Hello Officers,[/b] Looks like us inmates have found a new way to have fun. Richard caught one of them setting fire to prison property. We're sure it's all to burn us with this building. Be careful out there. This is a warning to remember. Fire is no fun! Fire is to be avoided. I am decreeing new rules for our prison! No matches or lighters of any kind, including smokers. Objection? No problem! If you get burned, you'll stop complaining. Your best warden. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/fce3f70d155f63c0dc74d49efa2d4fe924e1d0db.png[/img] [b]Our team has been working on the bugs reported by our testers and the Discord server community, and so we've prepared a short list with the most important information for you:[/b] - We fixed the lighting. - Added a notification that a player cannot use an item for a specific reason - Fixed an issue that was causing prisoners' mouths to stick together. - Improved the way guards find their way around, so they no longer walk into furniture and other items And more! We would like to tell you, that we are so proud of you - our community. Everyday you help us to improve our game. Thank you! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431610/Prison_Simulator_Prologue/