[b]Hey Officers,[/b] Today we're going to take a quick look at Block B. This is where our polite (or not) convicts spend most of their time. Here they have the best basic equipment in the world like a toilet, sink and bed. I remember when in the 70's the warden ordered to put gold bars in the cells, to replace the toilets and they even had chairs! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/03bfd462d8b713694395d7ccffbd0c129165e0ee.jpg[/img] Those were weird days, but later they sold everything because money started to run out! There's a lot of work here, too. Every morning you have to come in here and get those naughty people out of their cells. There is no sleeping until noon. In the evening the situation suddenly changes and our morning sleepers do not even think about returning to their cells. What a surprise. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/dd51bbe615c09dd7233f479e3af70dcae4063d6a.jpg[/img] Then there were two options left: either you talk or you pull out a baton. Unfortunately, there is no other option, no one will ask them to kindly return to their bunks. During your leisure time, we sometimes visit this place too. Sometimes the inmates would like to tell us the story of their lives, and these boring stories are good for your boredom. If you're a good guy and have contacts, you can also trade, but as far as I know, that's what the man in the guards' room teaches. He's the boss in that area. There are also requests for cigarettes or other sweets, well it's up to you what you do with it, but I always have a chocolate bar with me. In case of rebellion I am not afraid for my ass. Sometimes they will ask you if you can pass something to someone, or if you can turn a blind eye to those beautiful razor blades, hammers and other illegal items in their packages, or if you can give someone a gentle beating - although gentle is not always the case. People think officer work is such a boring, tedious job. Actually, you have a lot of opportunities, but if you want, sitting on the bench is really cool too. [b]That's probably all we wanted to tell you today. The prologue is getting closer, and in the meantime, feel free to add our game to your wishlist to get notified when it's ready![/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431610/Prison_Simulator_Prologue/