Hello Officers, Our prisoner is relaxing instead of working. It looks like the CO is already very upset. Generally, according to prison rules, it should not happen that way for a guard to not control his emotions, but we are only human and sometimes these situations happen. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38933921/7ac6f376c25e9bd599b52c78b1137ecee33b4a07.png[/img] It is important that you do not go too far. We always start by trying to have a conversation. Let our inmate know that his behavior is unacceptable. If that doesn't help, we have a choice of different ways to force our inmate to return to work. One of them is the baton. Two solid hits across his back and he should return to work begging for peace on his own. However, if our delinquent is stubborn, sometimes you just have to remind him who irules this prison. In addition to the baton, we also have pepper spray, although we use it more to pacify aggressive prisoners, and a taser, which should also not be used as a means of first response. You must keep your eyes open during the workshop routine. Sometimes inmates will stand at their workstation and pretend to work, but when you get closer you will find out that it's just a pretense, and our inmate is obviously slacking off. Also be vigilant during the search. You never know where prisoners will decide to hide a hammer or a file. We don't mean to imply anything - sometimes you just might be surprised. All tools should be returned to the storage room immediately after the search is complete. Occasionally, someone may try to bribe you to keep these stolen screws or other items in their equipment. Of course you are not supposed to agree to this, but if you do, remember that the consequences can be unforgivable! Once one of the guards allowed an inmate to take a file. We patched up the hole in the fence for 3 days. Well! Remember to keep an eye on these degenerates. End of roll call,, go back to your work. Thank you so much for reading our update. If you want to try Prison Simulator: Prologue, you can add it to your wishlist! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431610/Prison_Simulator_Prologue/