Changes from the GameAccess findings
Author: Venushja Games,
published 3 months ago,
- added 90% sideways camera rotation (Q/E, RStick)
- added a shadow under the pogo-stick for better landing orientation
- change of control from RB to RT for Xbox gamepad
- slight reduction of leg colliders
- option to display controls directly in the game
- adjusted camera angle in some levels
- a bunch of minor adjustments
- 2nd lvl - complete redesign
- 3rd lvl - minor reorganization of the level
- 4th lvl - added decals
- 5th lvl - crane increased in width by 20%
- 10th lvl - escalator slowed by 28%
- 12th lvl - bridge increased by 50%, reduced sliding of the bridge
- 15th lvl - stars reach 0.2m high
- 16.lvl - added new jumping platforms