[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/7e928c51a07e334f09fb5ac94304cf225c99f4f8.png[/img] Hi everybody! ːPhhelperː Another update is out! ːPduckː Among some tweaks and adjustments the most notable change is an update in the engine that should improve performance a bit for some people and especially where the game ran progressively slower over time as it was left open. There was some objects in previous builds (mainly golden acorns that could "fall off the stage" with enough velocity as they hit the ground at high speed and water drips left behind by fish on the ground) that did not get cleared out properly and made it so the total object count progressively increased as the minutes went by. This "item creep" should now be fixed making it more stable in these areas. ːPfishː [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/c90cc1bac1863a29bd2218f12a18628b2a2711a1.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/83bad3c6de8b08b70ab96eb803e297d48c71b729.gif[/img] ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfːːPhhelperːːPcatːːPduckːːPgoatːːPllamaːːPfrogːːPunicornːːPdolphːːPfishːːPufoː https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091920/Plantera_2_Golden_Acorn/