[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/f9398b8eff87cfb79e2fda1f8b63124bb1506c9c.png[/img] Hi everybody! ːPhhelperː I just want to make a note on an upcoming update. ːPduckː I am currently working on an update that will add a "Cinematic Mode" to the game. After a set amount of time (or with a button prompt) the game will enter a mode where it will slowly pan back and forth over your garden. The HUD will be hidden and some elements like number blitters and save icons etc will also be hidden to make sure only the actual going ons in the garden will be displayed. Helpers and everyone and everything working and producing in the garden will continue to work and earn as normal though so the numbers and other things becoming hidden it is only visual. It will look a bit like in that bottom gif below (with the dolphin swimming). At any time you can press a button to return to normal play. If for some reason you don't want the game to enter this mode after a set amount of time there will also be possible to toggle it off with a new button in the options. ːPfishː I just read a latest review on the game and that user wrote: "It puts joy into my soul and i dont mind just sitting listening to the game and watch it for 4hours straight". It is exactly this sort of thing this will be intended for ːPhhelperː I don't have a set date for the update as I need to test it some more to make sure any potential issues or new bugs are taken care off before making it live. ːPufoː [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/c90cc1bac1863a29bd2218f12a18628b2a2711a1.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36589458/83bad3c6de8b08b70ab96eb803e297d48c71b729.gif[/img] ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfːːPhhelperːːPcatːːPduckːːPgoatːːPllamaːːPfrogːːPunicornːːPdolphːːPfishːːPufoː https://store.steampowered.com/app/1091920/Plantera_2_Golden_Acorn/