What does a real PC Pixelgunner need? While the list could be lengthy, we've pinpointed three must-haves: hydration, mouse maneuverability, and exclusive guns. We're here to assist! Introducing our latest giveaway, tailored specifically for PC enthusiasts: ergonomic mouse pads, stylish mugs, and the DLC bundles - the Poison Retro, Dark Fire, and Critical Strike Sets. 1st to 3rd place winners will receive the DLC of their choice, along with promo codes for a mug and a mouse pad. 4th to 10th place winners will snag promo codes for both a mug and a mouse pad. To participate in the Giveaway, follow our[url=https://pg3d.app/4aRznFm] Instagram page[/url]! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44453777/e61be886e14e8e9ecc5716943a353298148260bc.png[/img]