[h2]Hello Campers![/h2] [h3]We heard your feedback from our demo asking for more [b]Quest Markers and Non-Playable Character locations[/b] to be included in the map, and I'm happy to share a peek of the updates we've made![/h3] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKaCgTTXAAAeHvR?format=jpg&name=4096x4096[/img] Our in-house cartography team (our UX/UI and art specialists 💪🎨) have been hard at work sharpening up our map designs across the whole park, as well as adding a whole host of new features, including: [list] [*] 🌎 Updated world map [*] ⛳ Updated regional maps for each area of Pine Hearts [*] 🏃‍♂️ Added Player Character marker, to keep track of where you are in the world! [*] ⭐ Added markers for Primary Quest Interactions [*] 🏌️‍♂️ Added markers for Primary NPCs [*] ⛺ Added markers for Secondary Quest Interactions [*] 👩 Added markers for Secondary NPCs [/list] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKaM3u7WwAA_vyQ?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [h3]We've also included a couple images that show off the maps for newer regions of the park, yet to be explored. Get yourself over to twitter for some more sneak peeks![/h3] That's all for now, but lots more news coming your way soon! Make sure to wishlist Pine Hearts and follow the store page to keep up with the latest news! 💖 - Melissa (Community Manager)