This patch contains balance tweaks for the final boss and the Corpse Orchard boss, and fixes for many minor issues. BALANCE TWEAKS: [list] [*] Final Boss: Lots of tweaks to increase fairness and reduce frustration [*] Final Boss: The Eldritch Hornet "vision" now has a much bigger visual indicator before it attacks, and flies at the player once (instead of twice) [*] Final Boss: Tweaked some of the attacks that included the Oak Devil destroying the player's wisps to give the player more time & opportunity to react [*] Final Boss: Tweaked the attack that uses the Corpse Orchard red-light to give the player more time to prepare and position for it [*] Final Boss: The Queen chess piece will now only attack once before fading out (it used to attack twice, which could unexpectedly come from off-screen) [*] Final Boss: Removed an instance of the Oak Devil teleporting behind the player and trying to grab them that could be hard to see [*] Final Boss: Fixed issue where Oak Devil teleporting behind the player and grabbing them didn't play the death animation on the player correctly [*] Final Boss: Fixed issue where the Oak Devil's arm-grab that drags the player in wouldn't drag the player (would bounce off of them) [*] Final Boss: Tweaked the occurance of attacks that included the Grandmaster doing his big arm-swipe attack, so that they won't trigger back-to-back [*] Corpse Orchard: Tweaked one of his red-light attacks to make it less frustrating [/list] FIXES: [list] [*] The Disciple NPC that gives you The Plague instinct will now still be available even at the end of the game if you haven't gotten The Plague instinct yet [*] Added additional backup locations for some of the Expressions so they can still be found if you didn't get them in the initial location [*] Fixed issue where the dead Spirit Form player in co-op could charge up Beast and Infection from using Vestiges while dead [*] Fixed issue with talking to soldier in Unknown Chasm an additional time after he gets grabbed [*] Fixed the Bonded Council member (co-op vestiges NPC) not having audio in the Hive area [*] Fixed the size of some of the voice-text being displayed at the top of the screen while delving into the Inner Sanctuary [*] Fixed issue where the Crow that gives you the Council's Invitation inventory item wouldn't fly away after receiving the invitation [*] Fixed various minor visual issues [*] Fixed issue where dancing in front of the final boss wouldn't count towards the achievement if you've already beaten the final boss and loaded back into that save slot [*] Fixed dialogue issue where the band member that plays the horn instrument would say the wrong number of band members were waiting at Fort Holgrove [/list]