We'll soon be attending [url=https://www.gamescom.global/en]Gamescom[/url] in Cologne, Germany and [url=https://west.paxsite.com/]PAX West[/url] in Seattle, WA, and you'll be able to play Path of Exile 2 at our booths! Check out the details of when and where we'll be at these events below. [b][url=https://www.gamescom.global/en]Gamescom[/url][/b] [list] [*]When - 21st - 25th of August [*]Where - Hall 6.1 C071 / A070 [/list] [b][url=https://west.paxsite.com]PAX West[/url][/b] [list] [*]When - August 30th - September 2nd [*]Where - Booth #2339 [/list] We can't wait for you to try Path of Exile 2 and meet some of our team! See you there!