It has only been a few weeks since the [url=]Trial of the Ancestors Hideout Competition[/url] came to an exciting close, and still our community are continuing to create amazing hideouts! Check out a few of our recent favourites in the video below. [previewyoutube=wOzEEI6dOKY;full][/previewyoutube] Here's a list of the hideouts featured in the video ([i].hideout files are available for download in corresponding forum threads[/i]): [list] [*][url=]Your Calm Place[/url] by AndreasZinck [*][url=]Mutiny on Ship[/url] by Susihukka5 [*][url=]Volcano Manor[/url] by Morinmeth [*][url=]Witch's Swamp[/url] by moonretealoud [/list] If you'd like to share your own hideout creations or check out many more hideouts from the community, head over to our Hideout Showcase forum [url=]here[/url]!