Last week we announced the [url=]Trial of the Ancestors Hideout Competition[/url], and a horde of Exiled Architects have already assembled an assortment of artistic abodes. Check out some of the highlights in the video below! [previewyoutube=JNgQEISGCEY;full][/previewyoutube] The entries included in this video are: [list] [*]Max34 - [url=]Path of Gods[/url] [*]Mirges - [url=]Tawhoa's Retreat[/url] [*]moonretealoud - [url=]World of Endless Night[/url] [*]Morinmeth - [url=]Temple to Arohongui[/url] [*]XeoTech - [url=]Hinekora's Temple[/url][/list] We hope these hideouts themed around the Karui gods have inspired you! For more information on the Hideout Competition, you can find the original thread [url=]here[/url]. Entries close Thursday the 5th of October at 9pm PDT, so you have about two weeks to get your entries in!