After 5 month of hard development, Panzer War and Cry of War has been updated to brand new version! And the combination of two games is called Panzer War : Panzer War : Definitive Edition now. This version uses the new rendering features. And it is compatible with old mods. This news will introduce all the new features one by one. [b]New Lighting for tanks[/b] The tank textures are re-made with PBR technology. [img][/img] You can set the level of dirty in camouflage settings. [img][/img] [b]Module-Based Mechanics[/b] The Panzer War and Cry of War are combined. So module-based mechanics have been added to PanzerWar:DE. It includes module-based damage mechanic and hp-based damage mechanic. You can select different damage mechanic in the game option. The game uses the new rendering pipelines. The module-based damage is similar to War Thunder. It calculates how shell damage internal modules and gives the x-ray replay. The hp-based damage is similar to World of Tanks. [/b] [olist] [*] Different ammos damage internal modules differently. [*] Ammo count affects the size of ammo shell. [*] Not all the tanks are available for module-based mode. [/olist] [img][/img] [b]Heat Thermal[/b] You can open Heat Thermal on modern tanks by pressing Z button. [img][/img] [b]Armor Inspector[/b] You can view armor by new armor inspector. [img][/img] FAQ 1. Why is my subscribed mod missing? To accelerate mod development, some of the community mods are assembled together. If you do not want bot to play some of them, you can ban it in the game setting. Subscribe it from :