[h2][b]Three limited edition skins![/b][/h2] Anyone with a Twitch account and the Steam version of Palworld can participate. If you watch campaign-eligible Palworld streams on Twitch for more than an hour during the campaign period, you can get the exclusive skin for free. Twitch Drops Page: [url=https://twitch-drops.palworldgame.com/]https://twitch-drops.palworldgame.com/[/url] ・August 21st (Wed) 8:00 to August 27th (Tue) 17:00 (PDT) : Golden Relaxaurus ・August 27th (Tue) 17:00 - September 3rd (Tue) 17:00 (PDT) : Sailor Quivern ・September 3rd (Tue) 17:00 - September 10th (Tue) 17:00 (PDT) : Summer Chillet [h2][b]How to participate[/b][/h2] 1.Visit the Twitch Drops special page ([url=https://twitch-drops.palworldgame.com/]https://twitch-drops.palworldgame.com/[/url]) *Only English is supported. 2. Log in to your Twitch account using the [Log In] button on the page. 3. Log in to your Steam account. 4. Log in and watch the campaign-eligible "Palworld" stream on Twitch for more than an hour during the campaign period. 5. Once you have met the requirements, press the [Claim Now] button on the Twitch Drops inventory page ([url=https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory]https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory[/url]) 6. A skin will be added to your Steam account. You can change your skin from the in-game building "Pal Dressing Facility." [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40671762/309d9def14aed4caf4490b3cf04ab6bd72be4aa8.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40671762/bf23c2539b51f22ee30f754bae275bb01f093b5f.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40671762/61ebfcbb876c80bf7f392c3cfdfe0808623d6a96.png[/img]