
As if the very popular, but also very controversial Palworld wasn’t becoming inescapable enough for those of us who have to use the internet on a daily basis, it’s quickly becoming a very potent source of both Call of Duty and Fortnite-esque trickshots and the kinds of launches Skyrim’s giants are infamous for.

Given the fact the game’s still in the early access phase, it hasn’t been too surprising to see that it’s been home to a lot of the kinds of bugs and glitches you might expect to encounter at that point in a title’s lifespan. While some of these teething troubles and fun quirks, such as one that’s seen the game get stuck at a black screen on launch, are of the frustrating variety, a number can either be useful or fun.

One example of the latter is the fact that hopping on top of a Pal Sphere as it captures a Pal can send your character flying upwards, a bit like you’ve jumped on a bouncy castle. While this neat little trick has become pretty common knowledge over the past week or so, some players have now mastered it enough to pull off some pretty impressive trickshots.

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