Publisher: Klei Entertainment
Release: Out now
On: Windows, Linux, MacOS
From: Steam, Epic Store
Price: 20/$25/ 23
During its two year stint in Early Access, Oxygen Not Included often came close to becoming one of my major time sink games. It s a rich simulation of the kind I adore, with an enchanting art style, a unique atmosphere, and a labyrinth of features to discover. On a gut level, I love it. But then, for every time I ve booted it up, there have been three where my cursor hovered over the icon before flinching away, as if I d discovered mould on a sandwich or the HMRC logo on an envelope.
Brilliant though it is, ONI is an ordeal. It s satisfying, but it s stressful. I d even go so far as to say – and here I risk invoking the scorn of the Legion of Geniuses, who wait in the darkness beyond the comment section – it s a little bit too hard. But before the swollen-minded wolves take my fingers, let me snatch back the meat and explain myself.