[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25339032/b2c12a1e27bc48c712da40985af55517b46562e6.png[/img] Hello friends! Today we're bringing some more rocketry and space features out of testing. There are three major things to try out now! The first is new conduit fittings for rocket interiors. These allow you to run plumbing directly between rocket storage modules and a rocket’s interior, allowing for more compact internal layouts, and a completely piped connection between ground infrastructure and internal infrastructure. This includes power, and there is even a new Battery Module to store power between the two systems. Next, we've expanded the cluster by a couple of planetoids. Please welcome the Water Moonlet and Moo Moonlet to your happy little space family. The new addition of the Hydrogen Engine and Scanner Module will allow exploration out into these far reaches of space. And finally, on these moonlets you're bound to find new sources of supermaterial components (or supermaterials themselves if you’re lucky!). While we still have some work remaining before all base game content is available in the cluster system, this takes us one big step closer to completing that goal! And with that it seems we've caught up with the edge of space, which means it's time to turn our attention back inward and see what we can discover on the planetoids of the cluster…. Hm, what's that glowing green stuff…? Let us know how rockets and the new planetoids are working out for you in the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/forum/252-oxygen-not-included-spaced-out-suggestions-and-feedback/]feedback forums[/url] or filing [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni_so/]bug reports[/url]. Thank you as always for your support and participation! [h2] What's New and Improved?[/h2] [b]Features[/b] [list][*] Added new Rocket Interior Fittings: [list][*] Power Outlet Fitting [*] Liquid Intake/Output Fittings [*] Gas Intake/Output Fittings [*] Conveyor Receptacle/Loader Fittings[/list] [list][*] Added new modules and updated modules from base-game [list][*] New Battery Module for rockets which stores excess power generated by a rocket engine or ground facilities. Provides stored power to Interior Rocket Outlets [list][*] Rocket engines now generate some power while in flight[/list] [*] New "Scanner Module" that will allow rockets to explore unexplored space and reveal tiles as they go [list][*] Revealing tiles on the cluster map with a Telescope or Scanner Module "peeks at" other nearby tiles, giving hints as to where other planets might be[/list] [*] Added Spaced Out! versions of the Hydrogen Engine and Liquid Oxidizer Tank [*] Added CryoFuel Propulsion tech to the Research Screen[/list] [*] Expanded on the cluster and its resources: [list][*] Added new “Moo Moonlet” to Terra and Swamp Clusters [*] Added new “Water Moonlet” to Terra and Swamp Clusters [*] Add a new Resin Rooster point of interest. It will appear on newly generated Marshy Moonlets. (Art/Sound are work-in-progress) [*] Added "Resin" material to the game. This is a precursor to Isoresin [*] Added “Graphite” material and recipes to the game. This is a precursor to Fullerene[/list] [*] Suit Durability is now a custom game setting [*] In progress: New effects added to rocket modules to indicate when a rocket is ready to launch [/list] For a full list of patch notes, please visit our official forum. [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/127200-game-update-no-earthly-resin-update-avilable-now-452242/]https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/127200-game-update-no-earthly-resin-update-avilable-now-452242/[/url]