[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25339032/ce62d96369baee3130d5b0866338777d8e732e03.gif[/img] Hello intrepid colony managers! Today we're happy to bring you the first edition of our new "Quality of Life" Upgrade series! This series will differ slightly from Upgrades we've released in the past, as we shift our focus toward a new stage of development dedicated to evaluating all game content to date. This means looking at improving performance, filling in remaining holes in content, and rebalancing existing systems (hooray!). The intent of QoL Mk 1 is to begin working through the important issues that have been brought up by users on our forums (thank-you for your feedback and reports!), as well as eliminating major game-impacting bugs, and improving the quality of Oxygen Not Included's early game for new users. As a result, QoL Mk 1 introduces new recipe queuing UI options, more building copy settings, and a bunch of new content expanding the decor system such as varieties on existing paintings, sculptures and flower pots (plus a whole assortment of crash fixes and performance tweaks). Throughout the rest of the QoL Upgrades, we will be continuing to monitor the forums and your reports for more feedback on how we can improve the game. We've made some serious progress on bugs and polish this update, but there's still more to come! We've still got even more systems to balance and optimization to perform. In addition, the team will be taking a two week break over the holidays and getting back to it in the New Year. The next update will be on schedule in 8 weeks, coming out February 7th. Thank you to everyone who participating in our open testing branch, we hope you enjoy the decor! [h1]What's New and Improved?[/h1] The majority of the work this Upgrade has been on a wide range of bugs and tuning, so rather than a list of high-level features like we usually do, [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/100541-quality-of-life-upgrade-mk-1-available-now-299745/]here's a massive categorized list of the changes and improvements we've made.[/url] [h1]New Things[/h1] [list][*][b]New Pedestal Building[/b]: Use it to increase the decor value of various objects while displaying them for your Duplicants [*][b]New Artifact Objects[/b]: Bring them back from outer space for decorative display in your colony [*][b]New Decor Items[/b]: Corner Decorations, Carpeted Tile, Trim Tile, new Painting and Statue variations, new Pot types for plants [*][b]New Master Artist role[/b]: Allows the creation of the best forms of art (and the Astronaut role finally has its own hat too!) [*][b]Increased Automation[/b]: Critter Sensor outputs a signal based on the number of critters and eggs in a room [*][b]New Sight-Seeing Module[/b]: Send Duplicants to space for a huge morale and productivity bonus[/list] [h1] And A LOT more[/h1] For a full list of patch notes, please [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/100541-quality-of-life-upgrade-mk-1-available-now-299745/]visit the official forums[/url]. [h1]HOTFIX - 299790[/h1] [list][*]Fix some formatting in the official Chinese and Russian translations [*]Add some debug logging to help track down crashes [*]Fix crash when Duplicants are trying to unequip items [*]Fix crash if a building in fog-of-war gets damaged [*]Fix crash when Auto Sweepers are looking for tasks [*]Dupe navigation will be correctly affected by their custom access settings on doors.[/list] [h1]HOTFIX - 302293[/h1] [list][*]Fix a crash when a sink runs out of water while a dupe is washing their hands [*]Fabricator screen now displays a helpful message when no recipes have been discovered [*]Fabricator screen now displays a recipe when any ingredient has been discovered[/list]