[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cK5oB3CM1k][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25339032/ea550dafd272e52110e70bd945d9f68b3d0fe8e7.png[/img][/url] Hi everyone, The [b]Sweet Dreams[/b] update is out today! It’s the first installment in our new series of ongoing updates. Want to know more about why we made the switch to consistent updates instead of making a DLC2? It’s all right here. If you’re curious about our plans for the next few months, check out our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/457140/view/3290467015400940700]new roadmap[/url]. [h3]Story Trait System[/h3] This update marks the debut of our new Story Trait system, a collection of interactive POIs buried deep inside the asteroids. You can find them in the Story Options tab on the Choose A Destination screen in-game, and read more about them in the roadmap. We’re pretty excited about our first two story traits: the Somnium Synthesizer harnesses the power of Duplicants’ subconscious minds by unlocking their ability to dream for the very first time, while the Critter Flux-O-Matic offers a new way to roll the dice on critter morph outcomes. This system—and this inaugural pair of traits—is designed for both base game and Spaced Out! DLC. [h3]New Room & Building[/h3] Duplicants in all versions of the game can now enhance their food with delicious additives! We’ve added a new Kitchen room, which enables the use of the new Spice Grinder. Spice mixes produced at the grinder can be sprinkled onto certain meals to improve things like shelf life and Duplicant strength. Bon appetit! [h3]Other Cool Things[/h3] In Spaced Out!, the Plug Slugs have gotten some tuning changes (including a new refined metal diet), and their species has grown to include two new morphs: the unbreathable-gas-guzzling Smog Slug and the liquid-inhaling Sponge Slug. Also: Critters in all versions of the game now queue for ranching, the build menu showing room requirement info, and we’ve put an end to the total anarchy of multiple meteor showers sometimes happening all at once. [h3]Highlights [/h3] [b]All versions[/b] [list] [*] Added Story Traits system and UI [list][*] Added Somnium Synthesizer story trait [*] Added Critter Flux-O-Matic story trait[/list] [*] Added Kitchen room type [*] Added Spice Grinder building (Freshener Spice recipe, Brawny Spice recipe, Machinist Spice recipe) [*] Enabled renaming rockets [*] Fixed a number of Transit Tube bugs [/list] [b]Spaced Out! only[/b] [list] [*] Added Smog Slug and Spong Slug critter morphs [*] Added Rocketeer Spice recipe to Spice Grinder [/list] [h3]Summary[/h3] We’ve added a new Story Trait system with two new story traits, a new Kitchen room and Spice Grinder building, and two new Plug Slug morphs—along with a bunch of other improvements and bug fixes. More info in the patch notes below. If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/140474-previous-update-steam-branch-access/]Previous Update branch[/url]. Just keep in mind that it’s unsupported. Thanks for all of the feedback and suggestions—keep ‘em coming! You can [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni/]report bugs here[/url]. For the full patch notes, please see the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/game-updates/oni-alpha/525812-r1877/]post on our official forums[/url].