[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25339032/703358fc13da287aff6cd4ffd7c3d5108d84c7aa.png[/img] Hello everyone! Today we’re releasing the “Unexplained Traits” update for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! This update reintroduces the world traits system to Spaced Out! This means that each planetoid in the cluster gets a few randomly selected traits to modify the world generation algorithm and mix up the play experience. There are over 20 different traits that may be selected: some old, some new. Some worlds will not be affected at all. We’ve also upgraded the frigid “Rime” cluster to be compatible with Spaced Out! You can now find Rime in the “Classic” destination category when you start a new game. We’ve also added four new Spaced Out! centric Duplicant traits. You might notice some Duplicants now have space specific traits, and some give off a bit of a glow... Additionally, we’ve added several new Spaced Out! specific Achievements. You can check them out in the ‘Colony Summary’ screen. Database entries for elements and critters have also been improved to include consumed and produced resource amounts. Finally, we’ve made a number of performance improving changes that should increase overall frame speed and consistency. We hope these changes improve things a bit, but also want to be clear that efforts in this area will continue. And as always, some bug fixes! [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/134300-game-update-481350/]Full patch notes on the official forums[/url]. A Big thank you to everyone who participated in the testing branch. Please continue to [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni_so/]report bugs here[/url].