[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25339032/292bc92da8a870c7d06bc2d0bed69a8953defe55.png[/img] [b]Hello everyone![/b] Today we’re releasing the Cosmic Calling Update for Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! This fun new update contains new buildings, revised rocket tuning, art and sound updates, bug fixes, and more… [h3]New Buildings:[/h3] The Radbolt Joint Plate is a solid tile that allows Radbolts to pass through one-way - just make sure your Duplicants aren’t standing right on top of it while a Radbolt is passing through! The Party Line Phone is a new recreation building that Duplicants can use to talk to each other over long distances. Duplicants enjoy a small morale bonus if they use the phone by themselves, a bigger bonus if they have a chat with someone on another phone, and an even bigger bonus if at least one participant is on a different rocket or asteroid.. The Automation Broadcast Sender and Receiver allow you to transmit an automation signal between worlds. The broadcaster has a limited range though, so a relay network may be necessary for longer range transmissions. [h3]Rocket Tuning:[/h3] Rocket ranges, speeds, and max height tuning have all been adjusted. All rockets have been made faster, and some have gotten range and height boosts. The range of the Radbolt engine has been reduced. [h3]Art and Sound[/h3] We’ve updated the artwork for a number of buildings that consume Radbolts and new sounds for automation and radiation overlays. A couple crash and bug fixes also made it into this update. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Public Testing branch. Your feedback and bug reports are much appreciated. Please let us know in the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni_so/]bug forums[/url] if you see anything unexpected, and as always, thank you for your feedback!