ONI Launch Date Moving to July
Author: Klei-JoeW,
published 5 years ago,
Originally posted by Bigfoot on the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/106287-oni-launch-date-moving-to-july/]official forums[/url]
Hey folks,
Just wanted to give you all a quick status update:
We are going to delay the launch of Oxygen Not Included for a bit. After working on the final major update for the game we felt that we weren’t quite where we anticipated that we would be.
We’re feeling good about the content of this final update and we really think you will like what we have cooking but if we launch as scheduled, the update would not have seen much testing and it’s just not as polished as we (or you) would like.
Rather than launch something we’re not feeling great about, we’re just going to hold off a bit. We are moving release to July and we expect to open for testing around the end of June.
Our apologies for making you all wait a bit longer and once again, thanks for all your support!