[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25339032/bc5042584037cead7bf6fac66c353f182a714a92.png[/img] Originally posted by Ipsquiggle on the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/84836-linux-early-access-now-available/]official forums[/url] Hello friends, We've got an early present for you: Oxygen Not Included is now available for Linux! This time around it's available for everyone by default, so no branch fanciness needed this time, just download and play! (Because of updating the game on steam, all platforms will see a download today, but there are no new changes. The game is on AT-243285.) The Linux version of the game is still undergoing testing though, so please let us know in the bug tracker if you notice any issues. We look forward to hearing how it goes. Enjoy!