[Game Hotfix] - 648807
published 1 week ago,
Hi everyone, happy new year!
This is the first of a couple hotfixes we have in the works. Mostly relating to feedback on The Bionic Booster Pack over the holidays.
[b]Changes and Improvements[/b][list][*][b]All versions[/b][list][*]Overjoyed Response errands can now be more easily interrupted by certain higher-priority chores, such as eating.[*]Equipment and Amenity assignment sidescreen rows are now sorted alphabetically.[*]Minor adjustments to Schedule screen layout and colors. [*]Changed order of the Priorities and Schedule management buttons. [*]Removed "Eaten Today" column from Vitals management table and added this information to the "Fullness" column tooltip instead. [*]Other small adjustments to management table screen UIs to improve consistency.[/list][*][b]Bionic Booster Pack[/b][list][*]Added "Power" column to Vitals management table for tracking the charge of Power Banks installed in Bionic Duplicants.[/list][/list]
[b]Fixes[/b][list][*][b]All versions[/b][list][*]Fixed an issue where Duplicants would stop breathing after recovering breath until they entered a breathable area again.[*]Fixed some metals displaying “missing property” strings.[/list][*][b]Spaced Out! only[/b][list][*]The Combustible Liquids database entry now correctly links to the Petroleum Engine.[/list][*][b]Bionic Booster Pack[/b][list][*]Fixed Power Banks and Gear Balm not spawning if you save/load too quickly on a new game.[*]Fixed rockets being unable to launch without a Rocket Control Station if a Robo-Pilot is installed.[*]Fixed copy settings not working for Flydo power bank settings.[*]Fixed crash related to Remote Worker Doc/Remote Controller chore evaluation.[*]Fixed issue causing the Default Bionic Schedule to appear incomplete in the Schedule screen.Fixed issue causing Bionic Duplicants to lose their schedule assignments when exiting a Command Module or Trailblazer Lander.